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A Black Country manufacturer has relocated to new premises after securing a £1.7 million funding deal.
This article appeared in the Birmingham Post and the Express and Star on 13th May. Stephens Gaskets, which produces specialist components for the automotive industry, has moved into a new site in Hainge Road, Oldbury, after seeing turnover increase by 20 per cent over...
Coronavirus Statement
To all of our customers and suppliers In light of COVID-19 we hope that you might find the following message useful. The health, safety and well-being of our customers, suppliers and staff are our overwhelming priority but we aim to continue operating as normally as...

A Full Face Shield is an Achievable Way to Provide COVID-19 Protection
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many challenges. A virus new to the world that we currently have no vaccine for and no immunity. That coupled with the extensive travel we all now enjoy, meant an outbreak of proportions not seen in the last century. That's...

Plastic Face Shield Better Than Masks | Here’s Why Your Business Should Invest
A plastic face shield is an effective way to help slow the spread of Coronavirus when physical social distancing isn’t possible. What’s more, they’re reusable, easy-to-clean and provide full face protection, including the eyes. Alongside hand hygiene products, the...

What We Know About Protective Face Shields and Coronavirus
Want to know how shields offer protection from Coronavirus? And the difference in protection from a face mask? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know. Face shields are becoming an increasingly common sight and even more so within businesses.This is in a...

Stephens Gaskets donates PPE to the NHS and care sector
Stephens Gaskets a West Midlands based manufacturer, donated personal protective equipment to NHS and healthcare workers. The move has been made in the hope of helping COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts. The scarcity of PPE is a problem faced by healthcare workers at...

Local MP Shaun Bailey visits Stephen Gaskets to thank them for PPE efforts.
Local MP Shaun Bailey has visited Stephens Gaskets, a West-Midlands based company recently. The visit was to thank them for their initiative and support during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Shaun Bailey MP for West Bromwich West, made a socially distanced visit to...

Full Face Visors: Why Your Business Needs Them
Research is continuing to support the claim that coronavirus spreads through infectious respiratory droplets. With that in mind it’s essential that businesses take proactive safety measures and use personal protective equipment (PPE). This will help to provide maximum...

Looking for Salon PPE? Check Out This Quick Guide
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic it’s incredibly important to make sure you have the right salon PPE available. PPE should be there for both your team and your clients. The official government guidance on reopening your salon covers everything from PPE to...

Get Your Medical Face Shield Visor Now | Based Right Here in the UK
If you are looking for medical face shield visors in the UK then look no further than Stephens Gaskets. Healthcare professionals have been using medical visors for a long time. However, they have never been more important than they are now. Over recent months, studies...